
Category: RB/C [ All ]

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  Title Copies
一針見血的福音: 組員本 (The practical and relevant Gospel for Modern Man: student's guide) 
Year: 2010 
ISBN 13: 9789889931506 
Call No: RB/C0068 
性格重整之旅 (組員本) (the transformation of temperament) 
Year: 2006 
ISBN 13: 9789889866662 
Call No: RB/C0069 
教會不成教會 (the church not being church) 
Year: 2012 
ISBN 13: 9789624574487 
Call No: RB/C0071 
小堂會,大啟示 -- 回歸聖道與聖禮 (preaching and worshiping in the small church) 
Year: 2014 
ISBN 13: 9789624574869 
Call No: RB/C0072 
婦女經驗與婦女牧養 (experience of women Christian and pastoral care for the women) 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 9628073087 
Call No: RB/C0073 
小組教會建造面面觀 (I) (small church group I) 
Year: 2001 
Call No: RB/C0074 
小組教會建造面面觀 (II) (small church group II) 
Year: 2000 
Call No: RB/C0075 
[福音列車] -- 福音查經課程(樂齡篇) (gospel express) 
Year: 1999 
Call No: RB/C0077 
夫婦輔導的理論與實務 (couple therapy: theory and practice) 
Year: 2009 
ISBN 13: 9789881808219 
Call No: RB/C0079 
華人心理輔導理論與實踐研究 (Chinese psychological counseling) 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 9889743558 
Call No: RB/C0080